Friday, 1 October 2010

Unite 1 Three ways of communcations that we used today

Three methods of communication that we used today, in Unit 1
First we started of writting on paper all the methods of communcation . Then we made a big listed of all the methods.
The advanteges of that is that we can share it easily, by passing the paper that we wrote on.
The disadvanteges of writting on the paper is that you only have on copy, and if you loose that then you dont have any copy.

when we worked in groups on computers
When we worked in groups, using computer we wrote down the methods of communications. we also emailed it to each other, to compare the methods that we had.
The advanteges of writting it up on computer is that you can then print it out with a hard copy, so you have a copy on a computer and a hard copy.
The disadvanteges of writitng it on computer is that if the computer crashes then you wont be able to retrive the data, so your file would be lost, or your computer was stolen and the data that you typed in there would be gone. 
Google docs
The last and finall way of commucation that we used is google docs, in this we created a account and then uploded a file form our computer and worked on it, we also added members of the groups and set permissions.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Unit 2

In unit 2 we have created our design and plan for our presentation. So hopefully next week we will be putting it together so that we can present it to the class. This task is done in a team. I enjoyed ding this task as it is fun doing it in a team.

Personal Development Plan

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Guide on how to install a hard drive in a computer system.

I will show you step by step on how to install a new hard drive in a computer.

The tools that are needed for installing the hard drive

You will need:
  • A cross head screwdriver
Step one

Fist of all turn your computer off, take all the power cables on, so that there is know electricity going into the computer.

Step 2

Take the side pannels of the computer, by unscrewing the screws on the pannels.

Step 3
If you are simply replacing your current hard drive with a bigger drive then the process is very straightforward.

Health and safety

Please make sure you handel the hard drive with care, as they are fragile.
Do not drop the hard drive, if you do it will not work.

Step 4
Installing the hard drive:

Above picture is what the hard drive will look like when you buy a new one.

Step 5

Discount the cables that are connted to the current hard drive.
Then take the four screws off the sides that the hard drive is held in place with.

Step 6

Now get the new hard drive and place it in the same place as the old hard drive. and put the screws back on so it is held in place.

Step 7

Now there are two cables that are needed to be connected to the new hard drive and to the motherboard.

One is SATA data cable
Second is SATA data cable.

Step 8

Connected the sata cables as seen in the picture below to the hard drive. then I will tell you how to connect it to the motherboard.

      Left side is the data cable And the right side is the power cable as you can see in the picutre above. Step 9 You now need to connect the Sata data cable on the motherboard Below is the connection that you need to find on the motherboard to connected the SATA data cable to. They come in diffrent colours, the colours could be RED,BLUE and ORANGE. Once the SATA data cable is in place then connect the SATA power cable to one of the molex connection. As shown in the picture below. The sata power cable will simpley just push into to the molex connector. Gentelly push it in. Step 10 Finally this is how it should look like once you have followed my instructuons on hwo to install a hard drive.
    Step 11
    Double check all connections and make sure the device is set correctly as master or slave, also make sure you haven't loosened any connections while you have been installing.

    You may wish to make sure the hard drive is correctly installed before replacing the covers, but it is advisable to replace the covers before reconnecting the mains.

    When you reboot your machine the bios should automatically detect the new hard drive, then when your operating system (windows or other) has loaded, go to My Computer (or similar) and you should see your new drive there. The letter assigned to the drive will depend on your machine's configuration.

    If the drive you have just installed is the only drive, then you will need to install an operating system (if none present).

    Thursday, 23 September 2010

    unit 8

    In unit 8 we did a pratical work, We got into groups and setup a small network. first we had to reserch into what type of network we were going to setup, and then what DTE ( digital Termainal Equipment) and DCE( Digital Communication Equiment) that we were going to use. And main thing in our task was that we had to tranfer a file form one pc to another, which we succsessfully maneged to do.

    Monday, 20 September 2010

    Unit 18,20,21,1,2

    First we back at college and have already started 5 units. In Unit one we did a abit of works to do with the attributes, and have been set a homework to do.

    In unit 21, We have started to design our softwares, But have not been set to do any assigments

    In maths class we have started doing excerscis about common factors.