Three methods of communication that we used today, in Unit 1
First we started of writting on paper all the methods of communcation . Then we made a big listed of all the methods.
The advanteges of that is that we can share it easily, by passing the paper that we wrote on.
The disadvanteges of writting on the paper is that you only have on copy, and if you loose that then you dont have any copy.
when we worked in groups on computers
When we worked in groups, using computer we wrote down the methods of communications. we also emailed it to each other, to compare the methods that we had.
The advanteges of writting it up on computer is that you can then print it out with a hard copy, so you have a copy on a computer and a hard copy.
The disadvanteges of writitng it on computer is that if the computer crashes then you wont be able to retrive the data, so your file would be lost, or your computer was stolen and the data that you typed in there would be gone.
Google docs
The last and finall way of commucation that we used is google docs, in this we created a account and then uploded a file form our computer and worked on it, we also added members of the groups and set permissions.
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