Friday, 25 March 2011

Learning styles


The method of the learning that I like are Visual,and auditory.

So visual includes:

Visual - This indicates you would benefit by underlining, highlighting, using colored markers, making colorful mind maps, drawing pictures, symbols or graphs. Diagrams underline the common point here. If you are visual, then get into the habit of engaging your visual mode for learning by using imagery as you study automatically picturing, making mental pictures of what you are studying whenever possible and project them onto an imaginary Mental Movie Screen, to enhance your way of learning best, make your mental pictures colorful, humorous, exaggerated and full of action. This will make stronger impressions of the information by involving more brain cells hence this greater neuron connection will assist in lengthening your memory in regards to different subject material and making the information easier to recall.

Auditory - Then learn to engage your auditory mode for learning by attending all your lectures, discussing what you learned, including any visuals used, with others during study sessions. You can also record your lessons and listen to them later. Get into the practice of explaining what you have learned to an imaginary audience of children out loud. This will allow you to hear the
information and evaluate you understanding of it. Don't get caught up in the listening to every detail you hear in lectures however and remind yourself to take down short notes.

The way I learn best is... Physcially,  Because when am doign something physcially I am also at the same time learing to remember it, so that when I come to do it in the future I know how to do it.

But Verbal learning is not quit the type of way I understnad, because u have to imagine things happning, when the teacher is explaning to you... And if you havent seen the thign that hes trying to explain to you then you cant learn that thing, unless you seen it physcially or touch it.. and its always there in your brain.


1) What sort of learner did the quiz say you were?

A) the sort of learner that the quiz told me I was is Visual and auditory

2) Did this agree with your prediction?

A) Well I did agree with the visual, but not the auditory. As I see my self  as a physcial lerner.

3) What do you think now?

A) what I am thinking is that I posiblly do learn the by visual better then physcial, but that is maybe still not sure.

4) What actions can you take to ensure that you learn?

A) I am going to focus on the visual and to see if I do learn better

5) What activitys whcih you do in calss will be the one that helps the most?

A) with the visual method.. I can learn in the class by drawing things, imagning thigns whilst the tutore is talking to get the idea of what he/she is talking about. so that atleast I benifit from it.


The way I can improve my methods that I am not good at

Visual- As some time in our course we dont have the time to do physcial activitys, and we do written. so all I can do is visualllise the thigns that we are doing so that I can learn. rather then saying I only learn physically and I am not learninig  nothing at all. 

1 comment:

  1. You have put some interesting information here about learning styles. What I would like you to do now is to apply this to your own particular work.
